Interactive map

With the interactive maps from Breakzy you can show the nicest places along a route, in the area, provence or even country. It is a nice way for travelers to discover the destination before and during the vacation. An interactive map for your website? We show the benefits for you.


  • All your offerings in one overview
  • Provides filter options based on preference
  • Cheaper and faster than making your own interactive map
  • Suitable for laptop and mobile
  • Create experience and overview on the website
  • Choose your own filter, number of locations and the colour of the interactive map
  • Place the interactive map as an iframe on your website with ease

“An interactive map will give your customers a clear overview of where everything is located and what to do in the direct environment. This is how you inspire customers and offer them certainty.”


How does it works

  • Based on locations
  • Using filters
  • Preview
  • Extensive info + photo
  • Directly from map
  • Link of your choice
  • Navigate directly
  • Information always nearby

Interactive maps B2B

Breakzy vs. other interactive maps

  • Making your own maps is a complex process which makes it time consuming, also in terms of updates
  • Breakzy already has the technology and has a database with relevant content
  • Understanding the industry, Breakzy takes care of the work for you

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